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Jasmine Bath Bombs
Juicy Couture Confetti Soap
Juicy Watermelon Soap
Lavender Soap
Lavender & Charcoal Soap
Lavender Bath Salts
Lemon Poppyseed Soap
Lemondrop Cupcake Soap
Lemongrass Soap
Lemongrass Mojito Soap
Lime in the Coconut Milk Soap
Lime LaCroix Soap
Lip Gloss
Lollipop Soap
Loofah Soap Bar
Neon Tropical Punch Soap
O' Christmas Tree Soap
Oat Bath Salts
Oatmeal Soap Bar
Obsession Soap
Once Upon A Dream Soap
Over the Rainbow Soap
Painted Berry Bath Bomb
Painted Hearts Soap - Victoria Secrets Love spell
Patchouli Soap
Polo Soap
Pumpkin Bubbling Bath Truffles
Pumpkin Patch Soap
Pumpkin Swirl Soap
Rainbows & Unicorns Soap
Rainbow Hearts Soap
Relaxing Fragrance Soap Bar
Rose Clay & Charcoal Soap
Rose Quartz Soap
Rosehip Bath Salts
Rubber Duckie Soap